Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I did work yesterday

In fact, I did so much work yesterday that I had nothing left to say on this blog...kind of burned by brain out, actually. I have procurred readers and set deadlines and even figured out how many words per day (1225) I need to write to meet my goals, and I made my goal yesterday! So here's me personally pep-talking me up so I can do it again today. I've realized that the "easiest" stuff I have to write up is stuff I've known for a long time, which means its stuff I've already thought a lot about which means it's going to be a bit boring to get through which means it's now the toughest stuff (you know, since I "brought it" with Ong and all).

I did want to share this quote, which I found the other day from a blog (I can't remember which now) that has inspired me and which I keep saying to myself over and over again when I start to feel that anxiety creeping in at the edges of my brain.

You have nothing to prove in the first draft, nothing to defend, EVERYTHING TO IMAGINE!

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