Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Here's what one "work" day looked like last week before there was all the business and craziness of packing up, driving home, and unpacking.

Slept in - the Jane Clock didn't go off at 6:00. Got up, ate, read scriptures, got dressed, etc.
7:41 - winding up for work
Jane is sleeping!!!
8:39 - 1057 words (out of 5201) are "1st draft ready"
Jane wakes up
8:54 - floundering. What can I work on next?
Jane is cute. I'm trying to work with her sitting and playing next to me
9:35- work is slowly lurching along
Jane is hungry.
10:00 - got dressed, went on a walk with Jane and a friend, fed Jane a bottle, ate some chips
12:01 - back to work
HA HA!! phone calls, Jane, laundry, lunch, all get in the way
Put Jane down for a nap
2:30 - for reals, for reals: back to work!
2:45 - floundering. What can I work on next?
3:00 - Jane wakes up...

So, maybe that timeline doesn't quite capture it, but it's so strange (and really cool when you think about it), how my brain is so attached to my daughter. The only time I can completely focus on something other than Jane is when she is asleep. The few mornings that I have been up and working before her, I can actually feel something switch in my brain the moment she's up and gabbering. I can work with her near if it's not something hard or is something straightforward...anyway. Now that we are back, I think I need to head to the library a few hours a day so I can focus better. The clock is ticking!

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